27 January 2007

Pro Pee? Sure!

I'm waiting for my alien registration card, so that I may then await health insurance, so that I may then await an available Saturday appointment at the international clinic, so that I may then await a prescription for Propecia, so that I may then await possible hair regrowth on my forescalp.  I need to take an hour on the subway to go into Itaewon, the foreigner district of Seoul.  This is for the initial appointment.

Maybe the doc'll give me the prescription for the goods while I'm at the International Clinic, conveniently located across the street from Hooker Hill (catch an STD one night, get treatment the next day!).  Maybe the Propecia will work after three months' use.  Maybe the polluted rain in Seoul can cause baldness.   It seems like an urban myth and I doubt its veracity, but I've heard that the rain here, if it falls directly on your forehead, may result in some hair loss.  If there is even slight drizzle in the air, I notice that most men and women have umbrellas opened.

Many men and women in Korea experience thinning of the hair when they reach their thirties. I'm almost 24, and my hairline is receding even more.  Why do I second-guess that letting the Seoul rain fall upon my noggin has something to do with my loss of hair?  I took biology in high school, where Mrs. Jewett told me that baldness was hereditary, but I'd already learned that on Marc Summers' Double Dare trivia when I was 10.  It's not like I didn't see it coming (going?); my hairline has been surrendering for years, looking more and more like those of my grandfathers'.

 They've got a pill for everything now, it seems. The pills all do their jobs and everyone everywhere is happy because the pills work, right?  Haha.  Yeah, right.  Propecia's been in business for long enough, though; they seem a safe bet.  Might as well try the pill, eh?

1 comment:

DR said...

Don't do it man. Don't trust modern medicine. All they'll do for you is take a couple minor X-rays, do some blood-work, give you a few stitches, and then had you a $750 bill. It's a crime and the doctors are the criminals.

I miss you.
