27 October 2005

they suck

Headaches, especially when teaching. I have to do report cards and I feel confused because I can't think. "Eric is a good student. Go Eric!" "Grace is nice. She does her homework." These are some examples of my extensive criticism.
In one of my new classes, the kids cry a lot because I'm not like Jaron teacher. They're not a bunch of hellraisers like the other kindergartens I had, so I don't know how to approach them, I don't want to yell at them, they're too nice, but they don't listen! I'm going to take their stickers away. That'll get them on their toes. And it'll make them cry. Damn you, Jaron teacher! Damn my head!
My new computer kicks ass. It has a scanner. I can send you prints of my butt.

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