11 September 2005

Eating Live Octopus

Yes, that's right. I ate live octopus last night. They bring out a plate of freshly chopped up live octopus, and all the tentacles and pieces move when you poke them. They also suck on your tongue and teeth when you try to swallow them. I dipped mine in garlic butter and hot sauce, about six or seven pieces. It tasted kind of like calamari, but chewier and uncooked.

Some kid in my class chucked a cassette tape at me. He lost a game, freaked out and next thing I know his tape is shattering on the table just inches from me. He starts bawling away. I went to get a school staff member, then got my materials for my next class and went to that. I walked past the room and the kid was still crying in there. What a baby.

I went hiking through some woods today with Josh, we just kept walking through the city of Seoul toward a mountain until we got there. Then we climbed it.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Hey hey!

I'll be coming across the East Sea late December, alright with you?
I can't blog as regularly as I like because I don't have a computer of my own yet. Once I get paid, I'm buying one. That'll be in 2 weeks, though.
Who is this Pine fella you speak of? I have faint memories, but it was so long ago I last heard of this character.
