06 September 2005


is the color on the Kleenex when I blow my nose in the morning. The air in Seoul is so polluted, I feel wheezy all the time. Allergies don't really bother me, though, so lose one ailment, add another. I don't have much free time during the week, I'm in school teaching from 9am to around 6pm Monday through Friday. Kindergarten takes a lot of energy out of me. Those kids are in the morning through lunch time. I get to feed them their lunch, make sure (unsuccessfully) that they don't spill anything, and keep them from fighting during class. I have them color and we play games.
There are two more native English speakers, Jason (from Oklahoma) and Jaron (New Zealand), along with Josh and I. They're fun to have around. We should have one more, hopefully next month we'll see a new face speaking English in the office ready to teach.
Our apartment has ants (sort of like my house at Gustavus last year had Japanese Beetles). There is this old TV/VCR combo that mangled one of my tapes when I tried to play it. We'll get more fun out of it by tossing it out the window and watching it shatter. We went to Karaoke last weekend. That was fun, the floor had lights in it that lit up. Koreans like to drink Soju, a watered-down rice vodka. It tastes kind of crappy. 'Twas a fun time.

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