28 August 2007

English-on-Korean (Caption) Action

Last weekend, before going to play some hockey (I hadn't played floor hockey since high school; lots of pain following the matches) I saw a boy, aged maybe 11 or 12, T-Shirt emblazoned across the chest with phrase: "The guns." On each side of the phrase were arrows directing the reader to the boy's arms, where his biceps muscles were supposed to rest.
Underneath the previously stated phrase was another: "The weapon." Below that a downward-pointing arrow beginning below the navel area...
I couldn't contain myself for a minute or two. I'm a foreigner, though, so I was allowed to show emotion in public, even if it was laughter and amusement.
Yesterday, at the bus stop, a woman about my age got off at the stop where I awaited my bus #7. Across her hat: "PIMP." I love it.

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