19 April 2007

Today, "99% CACAO" really did mean 99% cocoa

After tearing off three pieces and throwing them into my mouth, I wondered why anyone would ever buy this stuff. It's basically baking chocolate, with maybe a granule of sugar per rectangular morsel.
Two months ago a student of mine gifted me with"99% CACAO" chocolate. It couldn't match the mild bitterness of the Hershey's Special. It did, however, taste good enough to eat.


Anonymous said...

we have that stuff in Japan too.
it's disguisting. One of my coworkers and I like to pretend we're being nice by offering it to people, and seeing their disguisted face when they eat it. mwahahaha

Nathan said...

i just bought some myself to see what all the hubbub was about. and wow. that stuff is brutal.