27 February 2007

The Lobster Dance

A lobster restaurant just opened on the street-level in my apartment building . Outside the doorway of the new place, loud techno music blared. A makeshift archway of balloons and flowers ran from one end of the door to the other.
At both feet of the arch rested two huge speakers. In front of each speaker danced two young women with short mini-skirts. The dance was nothing to take lightly. Both women moved in synch, faces matching the intensity of the music.

As hungry for lobster as I was after viewing the scene, I went inside to my apartment and made some spaghetti with kimchi.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

i saw a similar show in front of a new... cell phone store. it was really weird because it was brutally cold, and noone was outside, and tehy were dancing in front of a busy street. as we past, they shot us with menacing, shameful eye bullets.

so my school just opened a kindergarten. so i get to teach kindergarten after all. yippee.